
How to join Let’s Listen and Talk

Please note: We are waiving all fees until further notice for the Let’s Listen and Talk programme so that families who need it at the current time can benefit from our advice, information and guidance.

If you have read the information about Let’s Listen and Talk and you are interested in joining one of our exclusive programmes for babies, toddlers or preschool children with hearing loss, it is quick and easy to join. When you sign up to any of these programmes, you also get access to our special Getting to Grips with Technology and Terminology course and our new Learning Through Music resources!

Select your membership level

Simply click on the ‘Select’ button next to the programme you want to join and you will be taken to our secure online membership form. Once you have completed and submitted the form, you will be able to access your selected programme.

Whichever level you select from the table below, you will be able to access ALL programmes for FREE once you register. We are currently waiving all fees for the Baby Programme, Toddler Programme and Preschool Programmes until further notice.

Lets Listen and Talk baby programme


Lets Listen and Talk toddler programme


Lets Listen and Talk preschool programme



Any questions?

Please contact us if you have any questions you would like us to answer before you make payment.