Welcome to the first lesson in the Let’s Listen and Talk toddler programme!
Being a toddler is an amazing time of rapid learning and development for children, as they find out more and more about the people and the world around them. Parents are their child’s first and best teachers – so this is an exciting period for both you and your child!
In this lesson, we will help you:
- learn about some of the ways your child’s skills and abilities will develop as a toddler
- find out more about your important role as your child’s teacher during this time
- explore some of the supporting information we provide about deafness and your child’s hearing technology
- learn from the experiences of other parents
- provide us with the information we need to support you through the Toddler programme
We have divided this lesson into a series of short topics so it is easier for you to complete.
So let’s get started on this lesson by clicking on the first link in the table below!