Everybody’s experience is different, but over time many parents have come to us with their concerns and questions.
Helping you find answers
We have tried to identify the range of questions parents often ask us in the weeks and months just after diagnosis.
We’ll take a look at these over the next few pages – you may find some are relevant to you.
If you have any questions that you feel are not covered in the following pages, please keep in touch and let us know so we can help you.
Acknowledging your feelings
The time after your child is diagnosed can be a very difficult one. Acknowledging your feelings is important. Over the next few pages we will help you explore some of the feelings you might be experiencing and offer support and reassurance for the future.
Some words of support from parents like you
Before we move on, we’d like you to watch this very short video (1 min 19 sec). It is a poem of words of advice for parents of newly diagnosed deaf children, written and spoken by parents of deaf children who have attended The Elizabeth Foundation’s preschool intervention programme.
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